First off, I have no idea what I am doing. But, I think that is a great analogy to life- am I right? If you stumbled across this page and read anything, you know that I am a mom, teacher, and wife. I would like to start my first post by expanding a bit on each of these.
Mom- My kids are my world. Claire is 4, spunky, opinionated, talkative, and extremely empathetic. In other words, she is me. She started 4k this year and absolutely flourishing. Grady (2) was the accident we never knew we needed. He thinks he is a dinosaur and has an imagination that runs wild. He is the pickiest eater that I have ever met, but also gives the best hugs and open mouthed kisses (that only a mom can love, am I right?). Our naughtiest child is our 9 year old yellow lab, Jordy. He eats anything that is left out and gets jacked up at the most inconvenient times, but we would be lost without him (insert “who’s a good boy” meme here)
Teacher- I currently teach high school special education in my hometown. My husband, who I talk more about later, also teaches in the same district. Our district is small, around 500 students in grades K-12. This means that everything we do is extra important. Our district (and many others) is currently going through it’s fair share of budgetary concerns, which has added an extra layer of stress on my family. Stay tuned as I navigate the ups and downs of this situation. In addition, I am currently in pursuit of my Master’s degree.
Wife- My husband, Derek, is an absolute saint. When I told him I wanted to start a blog, his immediate response was “hell yeah!”. He teaches 6th grade math and science in our district and is also the head football coach. Though he has had many concussions, he never forgets our anniversary and always sends me flowers at the end of football season. If you have any kids that play sports, don’t forget to thank the coach’s spouse- we’re the real MVP’s. He is also a representative for the leadership company, Lead ’em Up, and works diligently to improve the lives of all of the students and athletes he encounters.
Again, I have no idea what I am doing. I am excited to share a peek into our life and I hope that as readers you get whatever it is you are looking for. Comedic relief, solidarity, advice, or a reminder that some doesn’t have it all together, I hope you can find it here.
Lastly, I want to sign off my weekly posts with a quote that describes an event in my week. Feel free to interpret the quote in whatever way you need to. This week the one below seems fitting.
“Your peace isn’t for debate. Exit quietly, remain graceful, stay focused. Not every situation deserves your energy or attention.”